
SPyCi-PDB runs entirely through command-lines. Theoretically, it is compatible with any machine that can un Python. However, it’s only been thoroughly tested on WSL 2.0 on Windows 11, Linux Ubuntu 20.04.X LTS and 18.04.X LTS.

Please follow the explanations in this page plus the documentation on the command-line themselves via:

spycipdb <MODULE> -h

Please note that SPyCi-PDB can also be used as a library as back-calculator functions are completely modular:

import spycipdb


To execute spycipdb command-line, run spycipdb in your terminal window, after installation:



spycipdb -h

Both will output the help menu.


All subclients have the -h option to show help information.

Formatting for Input and Output Files

Conformers will be required in the PDB format with the .pdb file extension. For tarballs and folders, only the .pdb files in the folder/tarball will be used. Accepted tarballs include .tar, .tar.gz, and .tar.xz file extensions.

Most modules will require a sample experimental results template to base the back-calculations off of. Please note that experimental result values are not required. For the mathematical equations for the default internal calculators (pre, noe, jc, smfret) please refer to the paper.

All input files can be in the .txt file format with comma-delimitation for values. Examples can be found in the example/drksh3_exp_data/ folder. The required header formatting for the .txt file for each experimental module is highlighted below.

Output files are saved in a standard human-readable .JSON format. In most cases, the first key-value pair gives the format for each of the values in subsequent key-value pairs.

Paramagnetic Resonance Entropy (PRE) module

Input: res1,atom1,res2,atom2
Where res1/atom1 is the residue number and atom name respectively for the first residue and res2/atom2 is the residue number and atom name respectively for the second residue.
Output: 'format': {'res1': [], 'atom1': [], 'res2': [], 'atom2': []}
Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: [dist_values].
About: The default back-calculator is a simple distance based interpretation of PRE data. Scalar distances between pairs of atoms according to the pairs derived from the experimental template are used.

Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) module

Input: res1,atom1,atom1_multiple_assignments,res2,atom2,atom2_multiple_assignments
Where res1/atom1 is the residue number and atom name respectively for the first residue and res2/atom2 is the residue number and atom name respectively for the second residue. Multiple assignments are either 0 or 1 (no/yes respectively).
Output: 'format': {'res1': [], 'atom1': [], 'atom1_multiple_assignments': [], 'res2': [], 'atom2': [], 'atom2_multiple_assignments': []}
Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: [dist_values].
About: The default back-calculator is a simple distance based interpretation of NOE data. Scalar distances between pairs of atoms according to the pairs derived from the experimental template are used.

3J-HNHA coupling (JC) module

Input: resnum
Where resnum indicates the JC for a specific residue.
Output: 'format': [resnum]
Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: [jc_values].
About: The default back-calculator uses the Karplus curve, a cosine function, to back-calculate desired J-couplings according to the residue number as provided by the experimental template file.

single-molecule Fluoresence Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET) module

Input: res1,res2,scaler
Where res1/res2 is the residue number for the first and second residue respectively. Scaler is the r0 Foster radius of the dye pair.
Output: 'format': { 'res1': [], 'res2': [], 'scale': []}
Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: [smfret_values].
About: The default back-calculator, abliet distance based, takes into consideration residue pairs and a scale factor to adjust for dye size from the experimental setup to back-calculate distances between two CA backbone atoms.

Residual Dipolar Coupling (RDC) module

Input: The default back-calculator for RDCs is PALES. To run PALES, however, you will need the provide an experimental file template that is the same format as for PALES. For more information, please see the Data Format section. | Output: 'format': {resnum1: [], resname1: [], atomname1: [], resnum2: [], resname2: [], atomname2: []} | Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: [rh_values]. | About: The default back-calculator uses the third-party program PALES, which uses the steric obstruction model to derive the RDC. It has also been chosen due to its popularity in the field for RDC back-calculations.


SAXS, Rh, and CS modules do not require input files. The following is formatting for the output.

Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) module

Output: Each PDB name is assigned a list of index and value where index represents the X-axis and value represents the Y-axis with units I_abs(s)[cm^-1]/c[mg/ml].
About: The default back-calculator uses the third-party program CRYSOLv3, from the ATSAS suite of biological softwares. it has been chosen due to its popularity as well as its ability to evaluate the hydration shell using dummy water parameters.

Hydrodynamic Radius (Rh) module

Output: Each PDB name is assigned a singular hydrodynamic radius value.
About: The default back-calculator uses the third-party program HullRad. It has been chosen for its speed and usage of the convex hull model to estimate hydrodynamic properties.

Chemical Shift (CS) module

Output: 'format': {'res': [], 'resname': []}. Subsequent keys are the names of the PDB file with a value of: {'H': [], 'HA': [], 'C': [], 'CA': [], 'CB': [], 'N': []}.
About: The default back-calculator uses the third-party program UCBShift. It has been chosen for its two-pronged machine learning approach for both feature and sequence alignment in order to provide an accurate chemical shift prediction.

Basic Usage Examples

The example/ folder contains instructions to test native back-calculators on 100 test conformers of the unfolded state of the drkN SH3 domain.

To get started with using the different modules for back-calculating experimental data, we will be using the unfolded state of drkN SH3, an intensively studied intrinsically disordered protein.

The goal of these examples is to walk you through expected experimental data formatting styles, as well as how to get started with each module. The experimental files could be found in the example/drksh3_exp_data folder. A set of 100 conformers generated using IDPConformerGenerator has been provided as a tarball: example/drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz.

Note that these experimental data files are comma-delimited per CSV formatting for ease of use in pandas dataframe as well as Microsoft Excel usage.

To use the bare-bones version of spycipdb, the PRE, NOE, JC, Rh, and smFRET modules do not require third-party installation instructions.

Every module is equipped with --help sections with detailed usage examples and documentation for each functionality. For customized --output file names, the flag -o can be used with every module.

Please note for large number of PDB ensembles, it is recommended to specify the number of CPU cores you are comfortable with using to maximize speed. Having just -n will utilize all but one CPU thread.

PRE, NOE, and JC Modules

To perform the back-calculation using the default internal calculators, give the tarball of provided structures as the first argument as well as the path to the experimental data file to use as a template. For example, using the PRE module:

spycipdb pre ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz -e ./drksh3_exp_data/drksh3_PRE.txt -n

Likewise to the PRE module, the tarball of the provided structures and sample NOE experimental data file are required:

spycipdb noe ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz -e ./drksh3_exp_data/drksh3_NOE.txt -n

Since the J-Coupling back-calculator is also internal, the same format is as follows:

spycipdb jc ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz -e ./drksh3_exp_data/drksh3_JC.txt -n

CS Module - Using UCBShift

After ensuring UCBShift is installed, the CS module does not require experimental file samples. Furthermore, you could also adjust the pH value to be considered. The default pH value is 5.0. A sample command is as follows:

spycipdb cs ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz --ph 7 -n

The above command sets a custom pH of 7.0. Please also note that UCBShift is fairly RAM intensive, it’s recommended to run with less than 10 CPUs (can be changed with the flag -n 10 for example).

SAXS Module - Using CRYSOLv3

After ensuring the proper ATSAS/CRYSOL version is installed, the following command can be used to run the SAXS module. Please note again that an experimental template is not required:

spycipdb saxs ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz -n

The SAXS module is equipped with a --lm flag, as CRYSOLv3 uses an adjustable number of harmonics to perform the appropriate SAXS back-calculation. The default value is 20 (from 1-100). Increasing the number of harmonics will also increase the cost of computational time.

Rh Module - Using HullRad 8.1

HullRad should be working out of the box with the basic installation instructions. An experimental file template is not required:

spycipdb rh ./drksh3_csss_100.tar.xz -n